목록기획, 디자인 (9)
https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/app-architecture/onboarding/ Onboarding - App Architecture - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer Onboarding Onboarding lets you welcome new users and reconnect with returning ones. An optional onboarding experience that’s fast, fun, and educational can help people get the most from your app without getting in their ..
https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/app-architecture/launching/ Launching - App Architecture - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer Launching The launch experience has a significant impact on the way people feel about your app. Regardless of the device people are using or how long it's been since they last opened your app, the launch experience should ..
https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/overview/themes/ Themes - iOS - Human Interface Guidelines - Apple Developer iOS Design Themes As an app designer, you have the opportunity to deliver an extraordinary product that rises to the top of the App Store charts. To do so, you'll need to meet high expectations for quality and functionality. Three primary themes different..